mrBunny wrote:It sounds gay tho...
im with him
English is gay? Compared with welsh and swedish? I don't think so!WelshClown wrote:mrBunny wrote:It sounds gay tho...
im with him
English grammatical structure dictates that a capital letter be placed After a question mark, exclamation mark or full stop, or any other form of punctuation. Also, should be an exclamation mark after exclamation marksSky wrote:English is gay? compared with welsh and swedish? I don't think so!WelshClown wrote:mrBunny wrote:It sounds gay tho...
im with him
(Ice, note the use of question and exclamation marks)
This promptly upset Hervig, who could no longer speculate about Mibzy's, lack of pubes. Anyway now that the explorers were warned that the Flying Hanbag, was really a Yeti hangout, they all turned to Unreal, the tactics wizard (Lvl 9), who decreed that to take control of the Flying Handbag, they should........hold bongo hostage and demand....that unless jack duckworth goes to specsavers they will put corry on at tea times as well and show Vera and Jack having anal sex, with Vera wearing a strap on and Jack being the BITCH....meanwhile welshie was out for a walk with "rachel"...cough...his friend...cough....when all a sudden...he lost concentration and she disappeared feeling alone without her in his mind he went and found ...... a jam jar that he could fill with fresh liver and gently microwave before....offering it to the great god "Halfords" hoping for a puncture repair outfit and a foot pump to help him bring rachel back from the underworld...
Granted, I made a spelling mistake, but its hardly 1-0 to you, since your initial post had the grammar skills of a 419 Nigerian email scammer. If anything, its about 64-1 to me!Rekhyt wrote:Ironic thing is Ice, speaking of grammar and All, it's 'Were' not where!!
Welshie 1-0 Ice
It was a rhetorical question to make a point, I didnt expect an answer hence there is no need to use a question mark. The exclamation mark was used to give emphasis to my point.Sky wrote:Not only "were" (grammar not punctuation) but on the subject of punctuation you normally end a question with a question mark, unless you remove the "I take it" and then it becomes a statement, in which case an exclamation mark is appropriate.IceT-Bag wrote:I take it you where ill on the day your English teacher was explaining punctuation!